
Acupuncture for Doodle: A Happy Tail

Acupuncture Gave Doodle a New Lease on Life!  Submitted by:  Barbara Smith When Doodle was around 10-11 years old, I noticed he was having weakness in his limbs, shoulders, hips and back pain.  His quality of life was diminishing quickly. Doodle started acupuncture, laser therapy, and chiropractic with Dr. Jennifer about 18 months ago.  [...]

Acupuncture for Friday: A Happy Tail

Friday Gets a New Lease on Life!  Submitted by:  Carol Greenwell When he was 10 years young last fall, it became apparent that Friday could no longer use or control his back legs.  Even going potty was a struggle as I would have to hold him up. Needless to say, this took a toll [...]

Silas: A Happy Tail

Silas: A Journey from Trauma to Triumph Submitted by Amy Burns   The Trauma Silas came to us from Arkansas.  He had been dragging himself around a very small, rural town, scavenging for food.  An older lady had been feeding him and was finally able to bring him to the local shelter—a [...]

No More Mites for Bear: A Happy Tail

Bear's Recovery from Mites Overcoming Mites by Dr. Kelly I first met Bear when he and the Lundbergs first visited the Janesville Veterinary Clinic for a second opinion on chronic skin issues.  At the time, Bear, a 1.5 year-old black Lab, more closely resembled a Mexican Hairless. He was [...]

Diagnosis & Treatment of Zoe the Dog

Diagnosis:  Zoe Has a New Lease on Life Zoe before treatment, weighing only four pounds, after suffering from Addison's Disease. Diagnosis "Zoe “Woofy Girl” is 9 years old.  In the fall of 2015, she started experiencing some sudden symptoms.  She had a [...]

Rescue & Recovery of Scooter the Dog

Scooter the Dog's Happy Tail Dr. Mike I first met the dog Scooter while he was at the Humane Society.  Dr Coder had asked for a second opinion on him while I was there helping with other things. Scooter came to HSSW flea ridden and missing hair on 3/4 of his body. [...]

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