skin infection

Silas: A Happy Tail

Silas: A Journey from Trauma to Triumph Submitted by Amy Burns   The Trauma Silas came to us from Arkansas.  He had been dragging himself around a very small, rural town, scavenging for food.  An older lady had been feeding him and was finally able to bring him to the local shelter—a [...]

No More Mites for Bear: A Happy Tail

Bear's Recovery from Mites Overcoming Mites by Dr. Kelly I first met Bear when he and the Lundbergs first visited the Janesville Veterinary Clinic for a second opinion on chronic skin issues.  At the time, Bear, a 1.5 year-old black Lab, more closely resembled a Mexican Hairless. He was [...]

Diagnosis & Treatment of Zoe the Dog

Diagnosis:  Zoe Has a New Lease on Life Zoe before treatment, weighing only four pounds, after suffering from Addison's Disease. Diagnosis "Zoe “Woofy Girl” is 9 years old.  In the fall of 2015, she started experiencing some sudden symptoms.  She had a [...]

Rescue & Recovery of Scooter the Dog

Scooter the Dog's Happy Tail Dr. Mike I first met the dog Scooter while he was at the Humane Society.  Dr Coder had asked for a second opinion on him while I was there helping with other things. Scooter came to HSSW flea ridden and missing hair on 3/4 of his body. [...]

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